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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rice of Bangladesh

Rice of Bangladesh

Rice is obtained from paddy. It is a kind of corn. It grows well in hot and moist climate. So it is grown in plenty in Bangladesh, Barma, Bharat, China and Japan and such other countries of the earth. Kinds Bangladesh produces four kinds of rice. These are Aus, Aman,  Boro, and IRR, Aman is the best of all kinds grown here.
Description the rice field ploughed well. It is then harrowed to make the soil loose and level. The seeds of paddy are then sown on it. Rice also grown by transplanting the seedlings of paddy. Paddy grows and ripens in four or five months. Rice paddy looks golden and beautiful.
How to make it worthy of use. During the harvesting season paddy is reaped. Tied up in bundles and carried to the thrashing yard. The grains are then separated form the straw. We get boiled rice by doiling, sunning and husking the grains of paddy. We get sunned or Atap rice by sunning the paddy without boiling it.
Usefulness. Rice is the main food of the people of Bangladesh. Muri (fried rice) khai (fried paddy) and chira (flattened paddy) are prepared from rice or paddy. Cakes are made from the flour. Straw is used for feeding cattle and for many other purposes. We cannot do without rice.

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