Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fruits of Bangladesh:

Fruits of Bangladesh:
Many kinds of fruits grow in different season in Bangladesh. They are different colours, sizes, and taste. Some are big and some are small. Some are taste sweet and some are sour. Our main fruits are mango, jack fruit, banana, orange, pine-apple, black berrie, date, melon, water melon, guava, wood-apple and pum Introduction :  Bangladesh is a land of flowers and fruits. Many kinds of fruits grow in Bangladesh. They are mangoes, jackfruits, oranges, pineapples, bananas, coconuts
Description :  The mango is a common fruit. It grows in all the districts of Bangladesh.  But the mangoes of all the districts are not equally good. Good mango grows in Rajshahi and Dinajpur. There it grows plentifully. But it is not sufficient for the whole country. We can not really eat good mangoes; we can only taste them.
       The jackfruits is a big fruit. It is tasteful and nutritious. It is not as good as mango or orange. It grows in all the districts.
        The orange is a good fruit. It is a rich source of vitamin C . It is good for all. But it is grown only in Sylhet. So the supply is limited. The pineapple too is a good and useful fruit. It grows well in Sylhet, Dhaka, and Chittagong hill tracts. Its supply is also limited.
          The banana is also a nutritious fruit. It grows in all the districts of Bangladesh. There are different kinds of bananas. Good bananas are not very common. Only Dhaka is noted for one of good varieties. But the banana is more plentiful then orange and pineapple. It can be grown in all the districts of Bangladesh. And we should do so.
          Another important fruit is the coconut. It is found all over Bangladesh. But in Barisal, Khulna, Noakhali and Chittagong it grows plentifully. We drink its water and eat its kernel. Its kernel gives use oil too.
Conclusion :  There are many other fruits. Melon, Cucumber, plum, lichi, guava and borry are some of them. But none of them are plentiful. Bangladesh is not rich in fruits. This is due mainly to lower yield . Fruits are sources of vitamins. So we should try to grow more fruits.

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